Morning Meditation

Good Morning and Happy Monday!
Abraham reasoned that God could even raise the dead, and so in a manner of speaking he did receive Isaac back from death. Hebrews 11:19 (NIV)

Trusting God

Long ago, a son made a harsh demand of his father. “Father, give me my share of the estate.” (Luke 15:11)
If an arrow had found its way into the father’s heart, the pain could not have been greater as when those words sprang from his son’s mouth. The father’s heart was pierced. Normally, the distribution of an estate was to be done after the death of a parent. Apparently, this young man couldn’t even wait for his father to die. He wanted his share right there and then. And the father did what was requested. He gave his son the inheritance and released him to his fate. (Luke 15:12)
Have you ever been challenged by God to release your most cherished dreams, hopes and aspirations to Him? I don’t think anything comes close to the heartache that such an experience can bring than when it involves the total surrender of a loved one to God. It could involve a parent being forced to totally surrender the life of a stubborn or prodigal child who insists on making wrong choices. Or a son looking at his critically sick mother lying on an ICU bed and having to make the decision not to have her artificially resuscitated if her heart should stop. This also involves a surrendering to God.
Releasing such critical matters to God can involve a restless period of struggle with trusting God. In the case of Abraham, he chose to totally trust God with his son Isaac. If you know the story, then you know that Isaac was in a sense, brought back from the dead.
Not every cherished hope and dream is resurrected from the dead. That decision remains in the hands of God. But regardless of the outcome, God still has our best interest and that of everyone involved in our situation in mind. (Romans 8:31-34)
He takes the ashes of our broken dreams and heartaches and replaces them with beauty. (Isaiah 61:3)
Ask Him to help you surrender that which is most precious to you. He is a trustworthy God. (Psalm 9:10)
Be encouraged!

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