Morning Meditation

Good Morning and Happy Friday!
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 (NIV)

Charity That Carries Burdens

It is several mornings after the storm. She looks around and through her tears she sees the devastation that the massive storm brought to her doorstep. She can’t begin to estimate the damage to her home. She is standing outside in the street feeling disoriented…lost. She can’t decide what she needs to do. She is overwhelmed. The inside of the house is in unbelievable squalor. Her living room couch reeks of an odor that is sure to get worse with the passing of days.
In the distance she sees several young men walking towards her, wearing T-shirts representing a religious group. She has never been involved in organized religion and certainly has never trusted the religious type. So she wonders what these people are doing in her neighborhood. She inquires and they tell her that they came a long way just to help. They just want to help those devastated by the storm, Being a New Yorker, she has heard many stories about unscrupulous vultures who take advantage of others during times of crisis. So she is being very guarded. She looks at each one and says almost as a dare, “if you’re here to help…I need help. Can you help me?”
In response, they clean her house from top to bottom. They move furniture, throw out bags of trash and never ask her for a dime. She then waits for them to ask if they can pray for her, ready to reject any semblance of religiosity. But they don’t even ask to do that. They allow their actions to speak for them. And their actions speak loudly.
She is touched more deeply by their pure motives than by any preaching she has ever heard. Later than afternoon, she takes pictures with these young men so as to always remember the Grace that rained on her that day.
That evening, she feels physically lighter because earlier that day, her burdens were carried by some young men who were God’s hands extended. Without quoting a single scripture, they showed her God’s love in action.
Charity is the greatest gift we can give to another person. (1Corinthians 13:13)
It lifts life’s burdens without making a sound. Without it, we are merely senseless noise. (1Corinthians 13:1)
Be encouraged!

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