Morning Meditation

Good Morning and Happy Wednesday!
If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Galatians 3:29 (NIV)

God Keeps His Promises

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep”. That is sound advice in a world where life is so very unpredictable. After all, you are only human with limited resources and even more limited control over your environment. But long ago, God made an incredible promise to an old man. He promised the old man children as countless as the stars in the sky.
(Genesis 15:5)
To better appreciate the incredulous nature of this promise, the Bible describes this old man as “and he as good as dead”. (Hebrews 11:12)
Be assured, the old man and his wife were way past the age of child bearing. His wife, who kept her head out of the clouds, found the promise laughable. (Genesis 18:12)
But if you know anything, know that God is more than able to fulfill His promises. (Numbers 23:19)
He is not chained to by the boundaries of time and space. They are His to command. (Jeremiah 32:17)
Through the birth and death of Jesus Christ, the promise of God to this old man was fulfilled. We who are Gentiles by birth were once outside the family of God. We were not heirs to any covenant or promise. (Ephesians 2:11-12)
But through the birth and death of Jesus Christ, we are now spiritual children of Abraham, God’s man of faith who took God at His word. (Romans 4:16)
God always keeps His promises, no matter how incredulous they may be.
Be encouraged!

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