Morning Meditation

Good Morning and Happy Tuesday!

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole”. Galatians 3:13 (NIV)

The Broken Curse

Do you ever get tired of the repetitive cycle of sinning, feeling guilty and asking for forgiveness? I do. As a boy, I wanted to be a good Roman Catholic. I didn’t hesitate to periodically go to confess my sins, real or imagined. I was forgiven by a priest and assigned several prayers as penance to seal my forgiveness. But as I became a man, the imagined sins became real, if not in deed then in thought. And they multiplied, reproducing after their kind. I carried my trespasses like a spiritual scarlet letter until I discovered the truth of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. You see, like my spiritual brother David, I was born in sin. (Psalm 51:5)
That was a gift passed on to me from another brother’s disobedience. (Romans 5:12 NLT)
But on a hill called Calvary, two thousand years ago, Christ changed spiritual history. He took my deep crimson stained sins, past…present and future upon Himself and left me spiritually stainless…as white as snow. (Isaiah 1:18)
All I need to do is sincerely and humbly ask Him for the forgiveness that was already purchased for me.
(2 Chronicles 7:14)
Moreover, He went beyond forgiving me and gave me Grace. (Ephesians 4:7)
Now that doesn’t sound much like a fair exchange, but I’d rather have Grace than the spiritual curse I was born with.
And what He does for me, He can do for you. God is no respecter or persons. (Acts 10:34)
Be encouraged.

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