Morning Meditation

Good Morning and Happy Friday!
We have completed Galatians and will now onto Ephesians based on the recommendation of Tim LaHaye in his book How To Study The Bible For Yourself.

In Him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will, in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. Galatians 1:11-12 (NIV)

The Invitation

Have you ever been chosen for some special task or event? It is a beautiful thing isn’t it? From being chosen to play alongside friends for a basketball game in the school yard to being accepted to a preferred academic institution… it is a wonderful feeling. It evokes a sense of honor and acceptance. It is a recognition that we are valued and wanted. I want you to know that God has chosen you, through His son Jesus Christ, to be accepted into His family as His children…His heirs. (Romans 8:17)
The interesting thing about being chosen is that we can accept the invitation, or we can reject it. We have the freedom to say no. (Luke 10:16)
The Bible documents the story of a rich young ruler who was unable to accept Christ’s invitation to follow Him.
(Mark 10:17-27)
We don’t know if he ever changed his mind, but he was never coerced into the kingdom of God. Those who are in the kingdom want to be there. Another ruler, King Agrippa, heard the Gospel from Paul and seemed persuaded by Paul’s testimony. (Acts 26:28)
But, there is no indication that the King accepted the invitation. There are also examples of those who responded differently. The apostles for instance, were ordinary people like you and me. They heard this invitation and accepted. (Acts 4:13)
Although unschooled, Peter realized that Jesus was the invitation that the world had been waiting for.
(Matthew 16:16)
And then there is the Ethiopian eunuch who quickly and decisively accepted the invitation into the Kingdom after hearing the Good News about Jesus through Philip.
(Acts 8:30-39)
What about you? Christ is your invitation to come into a deeper, fulfilling relationship with God. (John 14:6)
The choice to accept or reject God’s invitation is totally on you. (John 3:16)
Be encouraged to accept the invitation to know God through His son this year better than you have ever known Him before.

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