Morning Meditation

Good Morning and Happy Thursday!
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Ephesians 6:11 (NIV)

Armor Up!

With a heavy heart, the King began to dress David with his own armor. The King placed his tunic on David and a bronze helmet on the head of the shepherd. And then he gave David his sword to be fastened over the tunic. Unfortunately, David was not able to move comfortably in them.
(1 Samuel 17:38-39)
David removed these impressive pieces of armor that were more hindrances to his victory that aids.
(1 Samuel 17:39)
The young shepherd had an insight into spiritual warfare that escaped the notice of the experienced king. He knew that battles were fought and won in the spiritual realm even before the victory is manifested in the natural. So rather than placing his trust in the armor of man, he came against his enemy in the name of the Lord his God.
(1 Samuel 17:45)
And with his shield of faith he saw the victory that the Lord was about to give him and spoke his beliefs into existence.
(1 Samuel 17:46)
We know how the story ends. The whole world knows the story of David and Goliath. But how many know and believe that true warfare is waged in the invisible spiritual realm?
The armor of God is far stronger than any armor that can be constructed by mortal hands.
And its reach extends beyond what we can see.
Be encouraged!

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